Friday, October 19, 2012

Checking in........late.

The birch bark reflects the sun in the west.  The leaves are now all gone as the rain and strong winds sent the remaining leaves to the ground.  It is too wet now to rake so I will wait for dry weather to deal with that job.  I will probably mow and mulch them.

This a different view of our house that I have never posted before now.  I shot this photo west of the house looking towards the kitchen of our house.  You can see the neighbor's brown roof in the background.

The kitchen of the house was built as an addition to the main house so the stove heat could stay out of the main part of the house. The doorway from the dining room to the kitchen is 9 inches or more thick so the original kitchen must have been in one of the other rooms of the house. They were called summer kitchens. The kitchen itself still sits on a flagstone foundation.  The original stove in the house was a woodburner.  One can see the outline of the brick chimney that was built on the outside of the structure to vent  the smoke.  The outline shows clearly on the siding as that is the original cedar siding.  I have not replaced it.   I have an old photo of the kitchen when the chimney was still standing.

When I remodeled the house and added an art gallery to the left of the kitchen I opened up a 10 foot doorway on that wall.  There had been a door that had been covered up.  The door was the exact size as the one on the oposite wall that we still use today. So when the kitchen got too warm they opened both doors, north and south, to cool the kitchen.  I am sure that canning time was a hot time of the year and they needed to open the two doors and expose the screen doors to cool the room and keep the flies outside.

Memories of the knockout rose that was the last bloom is shown out on the deck.  Fall can be a time of loss for blooms but spring will be coming.  I hope it isn't a long winter.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good Afternoon, Larry. Love seeing the fall colored leaves against the blue sky. It's fun to see a different part of your lovely home and hear the history of the kitchen. Hope you and your wife have an enjoyable evening.

  2. What history your house has! I love older homes for that very reason. I think it's important to be reminded every now and then of how people used to live in the "old days." That makes us appreciate how easy we have it now.

    Your birch tree is pretty even without its colorful fall leaves.

    Hope you and Della have a wonderful weekend, Larry!

  3. I hope it isn't a long winter either. I hope you get your leaves raked..we got ours done just in time for the rain..but I worked really hard for four days..and my shoulder aches/ached at night. From the leaves or the rain ..who knows.
    I hope you and Della have a good weekend:)
