Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Colors of Fall..........

Hostas that are in protected areas are staying strong through the cooler weather. They are putting out great color just like the trees.

The cold nights have damaged a lot of things. We were warm yesterday but cold winds and rain is predicted for today and tomorrow.  We really need the rain.

The natural colors of the hydrangea are showing now before they dry up for winter.

Our one inch rain last week has helped these mums to bloom.  I didn't think I was ever going to see a good bloom from them.

I am tired today and do not have to go to work today.  That is good timing on my part.  I have some odd jobs to do and also molding to put up my the neighbor's kitchen.  It is a tiny kitchen so don't think that it is a big job.  I have figured that I only have to cut two sets of mitered corners for the room as the rest requires straight cuts.  That job is almost done.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Very pretty photos, Larry. Best wishes with finishing up at the neighbor's. Hope you have a restful evening.

  2. The color of the mums is lovely! I sure hope you didn't overdo it at the neighbor's house, and that you got a chance to rest yourself!

  3. Those Mums are so pretty! You know you can grow them from cuttings?? They will root in loose soil:)
