Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rain Can Be A Good Thing........

Because of the small showers a week ago we can now enjoy these blooms.  Today it is raining again and any moisture we can receive would be great.  We have no submoisture in the ground.  This would be a good time to pick up new cheap mums from the stores.  I would like some different colors in my garden.

These fast growing trees are a taking over  an area in my orchard.  I like that I have shade but I think that they will eventually die early in their lives.  They are a soft wood but have not been effected by the storms in our area.  They are like popular trees but they are the cheaper version.

My volunteer vine is turning nicely for fall.  You can see the old siding on this house needs a fresh coat of paint.  I will have to trim the vine down soon so it doesn't come back and grow over my head.

In my efforts to keep the geraniums alive I have also kept these petunias alive.  I brought the planter inside to keep them from freezing and the petunias think it is second spring now that they are back outside.

I am back at school today being a sub for the high school history teacher.  They have  lot of busy work and research to do today so I don't have to actually teach all day.  Somedays I do have to really work the floor and feed information into students' minds but not today.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Glad your school day is a little easier than most. Your mums sure are pretty. We've seen a lot of marked down plants/ shrubs, etc. We did have rain overnight, thankfully.

    Have a good evening.

  2. Try a few perennial Asters too in a sunny spot..Purple Dome is a great Aster you would love it! I see Mums all over in the stores..small to huge pots all sizes..mainly bronze, pink and yellow for colors..I was tempted to buy a yellow one...I decided I did not want to bring it in and out of the house every night:(
