Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday's Things.......

I was able to get things potted up to bring into the house.  I also placed some indoor plants into larger containers. The three on the left all needed to be moved up to a bigger size flowerpot.  I am saving some of the geraniums and they are individually potted.

I placed this mother-in-law tongue plant into this ceramic pot.  We had received to pot with Easter lilies in it a few years back.  I thought the container looked good with this old fashion plant.

I didn't work yesterday so I did get a lot of work done outside.  I still need to address some leaves and also a couple of piles of brush to be burned.  It can freeze Thursday night and I have every living plant in the house that I wanted to save.  I even have most everything in the basement now ready for winter weather.

We were warm Wednesday. It seemed like a summer day with 81 degrees F. and the gentle breeze kept the heat moving. We will move into cold weather for the next few days with freezing temperatures at night.  That will help to dry up the leaves and make it easier for me to mow them.

I will be in the Special Education room for the next two days serving as the lead teacher.  The aids in the room are so great to work with and they help to keep me on schedule with the busy movements of the students coming and going to classes.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. your weather sounds alot like ours. glad you had a day to yourself. i took a half day off today and had lunch with my wife. it felt so weird to be out during the middle of the school day.

  2. Looks like a good collection to overwinter. Cool container for the mother-in-law's tongue.

  3. You really got a lot done on your day off! Wow, that's very motivating. Your plants look so healthy too.

    How nice that you enjoy working with those 2 aids. Have a nice end of your week, Larry!

  4. It is cold here. Glad you got a day off to catch up and catch your breath:)
