Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's Findings.........

The neighbor's cat came for a visit.  She is a young kitten and when I first saw her all I could see was her tail flipping back and forth in the foliage.  I almost thought it was our Yellow Kitty but I knew she was gone.

The spirea bush puts out a nice pattern of color.  I don't think I have ever noticed its leaves changing color until this year. I really need to trim this particular shrub back as it has died out a lot from the drought.  I would like to start it over with a more uniform shape.

The hostas continue top put out patterns of design even in their declining life time. By next week they should be gone.

The short rains of last weekend gave me more even sets of blooms on the mums. The actual show of these flowers were minimal this year but they will be back next year.

I am glad it is Friday. The cold weather is here.  Thanks for stopping by my post.  By the way, I have forgot to mention the news in our family.  I did announce it on Facebook but didn't mention it on my blogs. I am going to be a Grandpa for the first time in March.  The kids in Chicago are expecting a baby in the early part of March. They surprised us with the news a few weeks back.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Congratulations on the news of a grand baby!
    Love the pink muns.

  2. First of all, Congrats on being Grandpa! Wonderful news.
    This little kitten sure has a sweet face. I know you and your wife miss Yellow Kitty so much. She was with you for such a long time and a beloved member of your family.
    Your mums sure are colorful.
    on a sidenote: my brother, Larry, is going to be grandpa for the first time in January. Karen and I have been kidding the parents-to-be that they should name the little girl Mikala or Kamilla or Lamika (larry, mildred and karen!!!!!!)

  3. So nice, Larry. I especially love the cat!

  4. Grandpa Larry!! Congrats! How wonderful for you..I hope all goes well for Mom and baby and Dad too:)

  5. Congratulations to you both are becoming 1st time grandparents. We have 2 grands and it is a wonderful experience, cause you can spoil them and leave.
