Sunday, November 18, 2012

Berries for a Snack.....

I don't think the juniper bush berries have matured to the point that the birds will eat them.  I know the cardinals really like them once they get mature.

Can you see the deer? No, you have to wait until dark.  A neighbor said that their dog was barking wildly last night and he looked out to see a large herd of deer eating in the cornfield across from our street.  It is one of the last fields that hasn't been worked down for next years planting. We have a herd of 30 deer or more that generally live north of town in all the rolling hills.  We see them in the winter just outside of town most of the winter in the daytime when we travel out of town north. I guess the corn field which is about 13 acres was too good to miss out on and they got hungry.

Andrew Wyeth was a painter who like to paint scenes in which the animals were not actually in the picture.  Art evaluators would love to talk about all the hidden meaning he was placing in his pictures.  They would say that the cows that really were not seen in the paintings were actually there.  The artist was given credit to being an painter of a herd of cows next to a barn and yet not a single cow was in actual sight.

That is why I asked if you could see all the deer?????

Thanks for stopping by today.  I will be facing a two day work week this Monday and that will be great.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting about the artist!

    I like your photos, with or without deer!

    Happy you will have a short work week. Stay healthy for the holiday.
