Monday, November 19, 2012

Remembering Dad......

I didn't post on Veterans day this year. I usually do the post later than the actual date.  I do know that when I think of my Dad, there is not any way I can't forget what the war meant to him.  He was young and he did come back alive.  He just was always in pain emotionally because of that experience.  He was proud of his kids and I do think that they gave him a chance to forget. He never stopped talking about the war.

He is on furlough right here before he was shipped out to go overseas.  The Battle of the Bulge was in his future.  His returning to farm in 1945 was a good way to get away from the noise of the war as the farm was a quiet place to live. He still never forgot.

I like this photo taken outside in the backyard. My two older brothers are pretty young here, probably less than one and the other close to two and a half years old.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. It's a wonderful photo, Larry. My heartfelt gratitude to those who have fought for our freedom. My dad had nightmares all his life from his service.

  2. Great old lucky he returned from the many didn't:(

  3. Thanks for sharing this family photo, Larry. Your dad was a hero like so many others. They all deserve our thanks and gratitude.
