Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday's Shots.......

The neighbor's visiting cat now has his own self feeder.  He inherited it from Yellow Kitty.  Up to four other neighbor cats do feed from it once in a while.

Another kitty that is so scared of us strangers but will feed at the door when we are not looking.  She doesn't know we are looking at her through our front door.

This is a reposting of one of the others that does hang around in good weather. She is not afraid of dogs as was raised with five or more dogs inside of the neighbor's house.

Babysitting the dog next door, doing some work for getting Della's artwork, matting it for shipping, and getting a box ready to ship it are a few of the things I am doing.  It doesn't seem bad outside but 51 degrees is cool enough for me.   Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope your weekend is a good one for you.


  1. Your neighbor's cats are very fortunate that you both love kitties. I always enjoy the cat photos.
    Glad it is not bitterly cold there today. Hope you both have an enjoyable day. I know the little terrier looks forward to your visits while its owner is away.

  2. So nice of you to feed at the kitties that show up. It is cool here too..and dreary:(
