Friday, November 2, 2012

Stark Reality.......

The side yard looks bad as all the leaves of the river birch are now gone.  My bike rests against it and as you can see my neighbor's junk pile is visible too.  Trees and foliage helps one to cover the views of unwanted sights of the neighbor's things.  In the fall it all comes to view.

The light shines through the burning bush as these leaves seem to be hanging on as long as they can.
I have the day off so I will be doing different jobs all day.  We may take off to the bookstore in the afternoon for a day away from the house and  town.  We have babysitting duties this weekend for the neighbor's terrier.  There was a death in her family and she needs to be gone for a couple of days.  Penny the terrier will be so glad for our visits as she doesn't like living along in her big house.

We have cool weather so I won't be outside to mow today.  I hope that we do warmup a little in the next couple of weeks so I can finish up the last of my outside work.   Thanks for stopping by today


  1. We have the same thing here..except it is my husbands junk is only noticeable in the fall..hopefully it will be covered up in snow soon. Of course it is all good junk:)

  2. One hard freeze and the entire growing season is over....
    I like the picture of your bicycle against the tree, and yes, you are covered in fallen leaves :)
    Our Morning Glories froze this week, I was sad to see them leave, two months of beautiful blue blooms, and now gone.

  3. I hope you two enjoy a trip to the bookstore. Your burning bush photo is very pretty with the light shining through. We have warmed up here some...hope you are able to get out in the yard this weekend. Blessings to you both.
