Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Seeing red and blue.....

The barberry has a few leaves hanging on to it prickly branch.  The two nights of hard freeze should send them dropping to the ground.

I really do not know the name of this shrub.  I moved it out and away from the north side of my house and in two years it has doubled in size. I had golden privets originally there with another kind of shrub.  I don't think these are privets.  The blue color is the true color and I didn't manipulate the photo.  The cold season has caused them to turn this color just like the cold makes the burning bush turn red.  I may have to go take a look to see if there is a spare tag still tied to the branch of one of them.

It is a physical education day for me today.  I am on my own as the instructor and his student teacher are off learning technology skills.  Basketball is the name of the game for the day and I have had two good classes so far.  We have a tornado drill coming up during the third hour.  It is timed with the tornado that hit our town  seven years ago.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame that bush for turning blue! When the temperatures get colder, I tend to turn blue too! LOL

    I've never seen a bush with blue leaves like that before. Very interesting, for sure.
