Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Woodward, Iowa, 2005

I have posted it a day late but I still remember it as if it were last year. It missed our house by two houses as it traveled up Cedar Street and then it took a turn. It went out into the field, removing the siding off of the back side or our neighbor's house. No one was killed but a few were injured.

The photo of the the twister is at that time taking out a farmstead just south of town.  The people jumped into their car with their two dogs and drove west to miss its destruction.


  1. Very dramatic capture and glad the twister missed our home, Larry.

  2. Didn't know you had been that close to such a monster. The power of a big tornado is just amazing. What a series of photos.

  3. Wow that was really close..awesome photo:(

  4. Geez, that had to be REALLY scary. I can't imagine having a tornado hit so close to my house. As it is, I'm scared to death of tornadoes even though I've never seen one. Still...that much power, noise and wind just scares the beejeebers out of me.
