Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The symbolic end.........

An archived photo tells the story of the end of the gardening season. The wood is my emergency pile to use in the fireplace in case we loose electricity.  I need to cut the logs into two pieces so they will fit the fireplace.

I need to dig out the snow shovel from my garden shed.  It was may parents' shovel and I had buried it last year sometime, so I didn't have it for the last winter.  I caught a glimpse of it this summer so I will need to dig for it.  The broken handled shovel is one from my father in laws farm.  I have a newer one like it with a long handle but a shovel is a piece of history that can't just be thrown away.  I use it when I have something small to plant and don't want to use the trowel.


  1. Love the textures in this pic. John has pieces of tools that belonged to our dads.
