Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It is earlier and earlier each year.

Some people want to avoid Christmas, but I am ready.  Bring it on.  I guess when all the activities get to be a drag then one needs to step back and remember the real reason for the season.  I think the complaining about it means you just don't do it.  Appreciate the family most at both holidays and forget all the rest.

It will be nice to have some days off for Thanksgiving first. We will be grateful for some time off before this next big one hits. We don't do shopping over Thanksgiving but we do hit the bookstore a couple of times.  I have been a tech guy for the last couple of days. It has been hard mental work and today it will be physical work getting old computers ready for recycling.


  1. I always enjoy your Christmas decorations and collections. This angel is so pretty - one of your wife's collections, right?
    I've visited the book store a couple of times recently. They have so much in stock for the holidays - it's great fun!
    Like my family, you guys will have a new baby next Christmas!

  2. I am not looking forward to all the hoopla surrounding Christmas..the shopping etc..really gets to me. I would like an old fashioned Christmas..simple:)

  3. The only "trouble" with the holidays is the large retailers who spoil it by making it earlier and earlier each year with all the shopping madness. We are not into that craziness, but do enjoy listening to holiday music and watching all the holiday movies we have in our collection. We usually always have a real tree, but this year will put up a small artificial one lent to us by a friend, as we will be visiting family right after the holiday.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
