Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday's Two Things..........

A continuation from yesterday's blog is this photo of one of the violets in which I had taken plant slips.

My wife caught this the other day while Barney was taking a nap.  He loves his love seat and as you can see the light is shining in from the bay window.  Some mornings we can come downstairs and see him laying on his back enjoying his favorite spot.

I am back monitoring the student teacher who is teaching physical education.  I had to teach it on Tuesday on my own and today I can just watch or sometimes join in on the games being played.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. This sleeping on the back things for pets is contentment plus. Both Baron and Simba do it here...

  2. Barney is looking good! You get a long weekend next week! :)

  3. Awwww, Barney is so cute. He definitely has the right idea!
