Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Plants repotted, finally......

I apparently used regular potting soil to start my violets as that is like Iowa black dirt and the violet potting soil is like fluffy medium.  I didn't look at the label but I would hope there is some dirt in the mixture.

Those who have followed me know that I started these last winter.  As you can see they are more than ready to be repotted.  I have kept a loose plastic bag over them with a couple of air holes in the bag and that acted like a greenhouse.

I didn't know how many plants that would be among that forest of leaves but I ended up with around 14 new plants.  Moving them into their own containers will give them room to grow.  I ended up placing a few in doubles as I was running out of flower pots.

All are now in the dining room window on the south and the sun is a filtered light now with winter coming.  The aloe plants were a gift from a neighbor and I found an antique flower pot in which to put them. I need to get the humidifier going for our house now and that will help these plants to survive the winter.  I am using rain barrel water and hope to store some of it in gallon containers and buckets.

My brother from Arizona called this morning before I went to work.  He is back with his wife to house sit with his father in law in Osceola, Iowa.  They are 85 degrees in Mesa, Arizona today and we will be a warm 55 today.  It will be nice to see them sometime this week.

I am back drinking coffee and feeling almost normal if that is possible for me.  My wife is feeling better also.  We are having pizza tonight for supper and we are going to be able to enjoy it.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Your plants look really good. I hope they do well!

  2. Happy to hear that you both are feeling better. It's nice to be hungry again and be able to enjoy your food.
    I love seeing all your have a great place to keep them over winter.
    Hope your brother has safe travel. We were even cold here in GA today.

  3. Good to hear you and Della are feeling better...those Violets will start blooming soon:)

  4. How nice that your brother is in town! It's always great to see family, especially when they live out of state.

    So glad to hear that you and Della are finally feeling better. I was sick with some throat/sinus virus for 10 days or so last week. Ugh. Never fun.
