Friday, January 11, 2013

Archive Digging.........

Nala was her name and she loved life.  

We didn't have her for very long but it was fun to watch her enjoy the life that she had.

Even at a young age she was hoping to be a great hunter as she stares up at the birdcage full of finches. She had Manx syndrome but lived much longer than the experts said that she would.

We are warmer and foggy today.  I am finishing my day in the high school math room.  I basically am watching and checking behaviors while they complete math worksheets.

My wife made pumpkin pie yesterday and that is a good thing.  We are planning to take off for a while this afternoon and hit a bookstore.  Friday is finally here and I am tired.  It will be good to have a couple of days off.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You leave me wondering what happened to Nala? We have had several Manx cats, some had issues, others didn't.

    Take it easy this weekend!


  2. Hiya i'm your new follower :)
    Your blog is great!
    I'm a total cat lover so this post drew me in very quickly lol, what a beautiful cat!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I had to look up Manx Syndrome. I had never heard of it before. It is a lovely cat and I am glad she found you to live with.

  4. It is a common defect among the breed and I have read that breeders have to keep track of the illness to keep from selling one out to others. We found her on the sidewalk a couple of blocks away and was very young, starving and grateful for food. She had no control of her digestive system or bladder. There were special processes one has to do to get them eliminate and that is not effective enough to keep them living. She was so appreciative of our car and we really did love her in spite of all the problems. We had her about nine months of more.

  5. She was a sweetheart and very blessed to have you both to love her. I enjoyed her photos so much.
    The bookstore sounds like a great place after a long, difficult week.
