Saturday, January 12, 2013

It is cold again!!!!!!!

Snowmen penguins just don't care how cold it is.  It was a busy day. One that wasn't suppose to be so busy.  The air is cold and we are getting a dusting of snow right now.  It is best to just stay inside and we did just that.  I did put some fresh seed in the outside bird feeders.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I see the cold front is headed our way, after two days of sunshine and 72 degree temperatures !
    What a lovely little glass ornament, they make me smile :)

  2. A delightful ornament. I know the birds appreciate the seeds. You'll enjoy watching them from your nice window.

  3. Ah we are way too cold up here..just think of the cold weather as the Great Minnesota Share:)
