Monday, January 21, 2013

Inside, Outside......

The dining room registers a temperature around 69 degrees daily unless the wind is blowing and then we set up the thermostat to compensate for the cool regions in the house.  Outside right now the begonia is viewing a -6 degrees, F.  The begonia wouldn't last 15 minutes outside with it being so much like a water plant with delicate leaves.  The furnace is drying out things a lot so I keep watering by need and not by a schedule.  Every five days seems to keep things from wilting.  The humidifier is not keeping up with the furnace's work but it does help a little with it being near the plants.

My goldfish sit on a table near my computer and they are hungry as you can see. They are begging for food.  Every time I sit down at the computer they check me out to see if I could overfeed them and make their tank cloudy.  They don't mind cold weather as they live in an unheated tank and they just adjust to whatever temp they are in at the time.

I have been again experimenting to get clear photos of my fish and it doesn't happen unless they are in a motionless state.  That happens only at night when the lights go out. I will post a differnt photo tomorrow on my Photo a Day blog but they still are not perfectly clear and any one of the three fish will be moving.

I temporarily set this feeder on top of my two tiered feeder.  It was because it was so cold and I could fill it faster, sit it up there and then hurry back into the house.  I see the gusty winds last night dashed it to the ground.  Now because of my saving time episode I will have to find more time to repair it as the bottom of it was broken off of it during its landing on the patio. You can see we did have about 2 inches of snow or more.

The birds were on the ground this morning circled around it enjoying the mountain of seed.  I am sure the rabbit and squirrels will be glad that it happened.   I have a short tailed squirrel that seems to be hitting it early morning or late afternoon while Barney is having his afternoon nap.

It is slow going at school today with the staff and the students.  The extreme cold and windchill tends to shock the body and slow it down.  I bought gas for the car yesterday afternoon and the material of my slacks was stiff as if it were frozen while I stood out there pumping gas.  I litterally shook from the coldness and my teeth chattered.

I am a librarian again today which is a nice postion to have on a Monday. I catch up on my reading and juggle the confusing class attendance lists trying to figure out who is suppose to be here on Day 1 and who is actually a floating senior with open campus, and who is actually just absent for the day.

Thanks for stopping by today and stay warm.


  1. Such a pretty pic of the begonia - such a delicate color. Both you and Far Side in MN are bitterly cold today, I see. It's 53 here and that feels cold to us. We are wimps!!! John could never go back to MI now!
    Funny about the fish checking you out when you sit down.
    Sorry about the feeder getting broken. I know the wildlife appreciates Barney napping on the job!

  2. Ha Minnesota shares her cold with Iowa..bitter fun. I hope the weather breaks soon! So you a Larry the Librarian again:)
