Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sepia, Black and White......

I played with iPhoto yesterday to see what I could do to create some sepia photos. I worked with transferring some into black and whites also.   This bale of cornstalks really turned out to be a great photo in sepia, showing great subtle contrast and the composition happened to be a good one to make it into a classic shot.

As a footnote to the cornfield shot, my neighbor received double her rent this year on this 13 acre field as the farmer made 123 bushels an acre and also could sell the bales for a lot of money. The farmer was a honest man as some probably some would have just stayed with the original rental deal.

The photo of the neighbors two trees laden with ice and snow worked well in becoming a sepia shot.  I like again how the values are warm and the contrast are so great with this photo. Color is great but for some reason one is able to break things down into more patterns of shapes and different kinds of valued forms.

The same shot in black and white gives a different feeling, making the snow look cold, which it is.  When I took this shot I had to wade out into foot drifts or taller and the snow would go down into my shoes.  I could see the cold snow and I actually could feel it too.

The day will be busy being a middle school science teacher.  We have sort of cold day today. It is all relative to where you live.  Our cold was about 1 degree F. this morning and I think we are going to get up to 10 degrees F.  later.  Now that it has moved into the eastern states and somewhat south the news is going to cover it.  My sympathies go out to those in the Dakotas and Minnesota.  It has to be really unbearable to be outside.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice photos. I like the sepia snow the most. Never thought of using that setting for snow but it's great.

  2. I like the warmth of the sepia tones..the snow looks warmer:)

  3. I admire your ability to change the photos and give them different qualities.
