Monday, January 28, 2013


My bridge looks like it is a untraveled.  Barney sometimes crosses over it but if he is in a hurry he goes around the pond.  The pond has been a pain to maintain after so many years so I am planning to turn it into a bog garden.  That means bringing in more wheel barrows of dirt from my dirt pile.

The yucca survives all the different winter conditions of Iowa.  The original plant died out and was dug out but the roots that remained redeveloped.  I have yet to see blooms on it even though the neighbors across the street blooms every summer.

The juniper berries are plentiful this winter.  I guess the spotty rains helped it out and also the eaves of the art gallery gave it a lot of runoff.  This juniper doesn't know that it will be gone in the next summer as it has become overgrown to be too large for the area that it was planted.  I have trimmed on it the past 20 years and it has become s mostly large set of branches now which doesn't make it out to be a good looking specimen.

This guy enjoys the fruit from the juniper bush.  Both he and the female spend a lot of time in the area.

Subbing today for s Special Ed. lead teacher today. It is wet and foggy outside today and not cold enough to freeze.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a lovely little bridge, one would expect to be greeted by faeries :)
    The blue berries give so much color in a brown landscape, as does the Cardinal, such vibrant plumage !
    Have a great day teaching !

  2. You have so many interesting plants in your garden. Great capture of the Cardinal. Hoping your week goes smoothly.
    Taking a blog break to spend time with family friend, Mary.
