Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday's Stuff

It seems to me that whomever was sitting in one of the chairs must have had an argument with the other person and left in a huff.

The oxalis are not liking this donkey's basket but they are still alive.  I posted a year ago when donkey was dropped and broken.  You can see he is back into action.  I maybe will get a vine for this guy and move the oxalis to some other container.

I took a lot of shots outside but it wasn't very pretty out there.  This bench looks cold sitting out there against a dead flower bed.  This area is in the shade all day so a lot of snow is still on the ground while other areas in my yard has green patches showing.

My final shot for today shows that the Japanese yew survived all that snow and ice from the last snow.  It had been smashed to the ground for weeks.  I was glad none of the branches of the yews and spirea didn't get broken. (finishing my blog today, Sunday)  It is again gently swaying down as the frozen water has put some weight on the branches.  We are getting a light drizzle and the temps are hovering at 31 degrees.

Churches were pretty much cancelled throughout the central Iowa area as the ground is coated with ice.  It isn't a thick layer but it doesn't take much to make a car go into the ditch or for a human to fall down while trying to walk on it.  Button was surprised by it and his backlegs went skidding outwards as he tried to walk on the patio covered with ice.

The birds would be eating but the feed is coated with a thin layer of ice so it seems difficult for them.  I think we might get a degree above freezing late this afternoon so things could improve a little.  I am going to sit in the dining room window as much as possible today and catch up on magazines and maybe a little computer stuff.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I'd like to hear more about why that person left in a huff.....:)
    I'm huffing myself here today as everything is covered in ice and I need to drive to the airport in Mpls. tomorrow.... Yuk!

  2. All I can say is burrr cold! I think the winters are what made my folks never look back, when they left the Midwest when we were kids. Stay safe..and hope the guy who had the fight in the chair is OK!!!

  3. Glad your Japanese yew survived the ice and snow. I guess they are pretty resilient.

    Nice photos Larry, but I really love the top one...the one where somebody left in a huff! It's a cute scene that I am sure many stories could fit.

  4. Ice fun..we may get some here Monday or Tuesday it is going to warm up enough to rain..crazy weather. Walk carefully Larry:)
