Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday's Stuff.........

I took some more photos on Saturday to play with the camera. We had more daylight in the room than normal for winter so the camera picked up some good images.

My goat and sheep stay loyal to the manger scene and never wander off for new grass.  I am really curious as to how other people's cameras that are point and shoot work when it comes to taking shots of shiny  surfaces.  Both the plastic images and shiny glass ornaments really don't work well without perfect lighting.  I know a tripod would help but I think spontaneous shots means point and shoot.  I find that the reflection of light towards the camera can really affect it's automatic settings.  I suppose I need to work on using manual settings and quit being so lazy.

My violet starts are doing well.  I did lose one of them but it was a wimpy plant from the start. I have to admit that Loews was selling out violets that were $1.64.  I hesitated and then bought four of them.  They were different colors than I had, plus that cost was unbelievable.  The blooms on them were almost gone because they weren't being cared for and one had to look closely to find one single bloom to know what was being sold.

With our furnace running I have to keep track of the moisture of the soil.  They are drying out too quickly so I need to  water ever five to six days.  I did cut a few leaves randomly from the larger plants to make up some new starts.  My collection has not recovered from the huge loss of plants that I had a few months ago.  I still think it was the city water that destroyed the lot. Now that our new water plant is up and running it seems to be better water.

My wife received an amaryllis for Christmas and as you can see that there is going to be a couple of sprouts.  We haven't had one of these for a couple of years so there will be a lot of flowering shots in the future.

Iowa is having a warm up.  It isn't a heat wave but we will be melting somewhat during the days for the next week.  We needed the water and I assume it will start snowing again next week.

Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very nice shots, Larry. This is the time of year when violets and amaryllis really brighten the winter days. Can't wait to see the blooms!

  2. You are lucky to have an amaryllis. I looked for one after Christmas and couldn't find one anywhere. Seems we're only meant to want to buy one before Christmas.

    You do seem to have green fingers with the African violets.

  3. New follower, as I follow Larry and saw your comments as well. Newly retired, and trying to get settled in on it!

    Jan @ Jans Place

  4. How about melting snow water for the violets..they may really like it! :)
