Monday, January 7, 2013

Tom Tom........

I looked out through the front door window and Tom Tom gives me the look.  He has been kept inside or locked into the garage next door because of the cold weather.  Now that it has warmed up, he is at the porch waiting for breakfast.

He stopped eating long enough for me to take his picture.  He is such a friendly cat with a lot of character.

I am subbing for part of the day today and then I will do some tech chores for the rest of the day.  It is going to get into the low 40's today which should start melting some of the snow.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Tom Tom is such a great cat! Lucky to have you both as neighbors too.
    Enjoy a little warm up today.

  2. Isn't he such a handsome boy, all ginger and stripey :)
    Yes, the weather is milder, Oliver insists of being outside all day.
    Must be a ginger cat thing :)

  3. One of the best cats my family had was a cat like yours, yellow tabby named Ozzie..he was my daughters and when her kids were small he would let them do anything carry him around, dress him..anything. Still very missed.

    Jan from Jans Place
