Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday's Tidings....no,maybe Tidbits...

My oldest son and his wife bought me a new pump for my outside tank.  I went without one last year and used aquarium air supplies to keep the oxygen up.  I will make a promise to the pump that I will bring it inside in October rather than have it get frozen and ruined.

Here is blurry evidence that it is growing quickly.  We haven't had an amaryllis for a couple of years.  This one has pastel blooms on it when it finally flowers.

The new stuffed animal for my wife's tree was a dog with big eyes.  All of the stuffed toys had oversized eyes on them.   They were mostly larger than this one and I can't be convinced that they look good that way.  These furry things are not cartoons with oversized eyes but the marketers seem to think it is a good idea.

Normal eyes should be this size or smaller in my estimate of things.  We will probably take the tree down this weekend as it was the first to go up for the holidays.

I have been a sub for middle school English again today and will go back to being a techie for the rest of the day.  That can change as the staff has been hit hard with the flu and they seem to be dropping like flies. They come to school thinking they can make it through the day and then they find out they were wrong.

Warm weather again today and we are glad.  We have a lot of snow to dispose of before the next snow on Friday or the weekend.  I hope everyone has a good day. Thanks.......for stopping by today.


  1. The flu sounds bad..I hope you escape. Isn't the warm weather wonderful!! :)

  2. I'll be interested to compare the progress of your amaryllis with mine. They were very difficult to find here this year and I only got one after New Year.

    Hope you steer clear of the flu, Larry. I've read reports in the news here about the US having an epidemic this year. With us it's 'winter vomiting virus'. Not much to choose between them but flu can be more serious of course.
