Saturday, February 2, 2013

Glass Decanter.....

I found an item to share today that I blogged about a few years back.  This is the stopper to a decanter that I receive from Iva Horton.  My John and Iva connection gave me a great relationship with step family who acted more like my grandparents than being great uncle and aunt through my grandmother's remarriage.  They gave me a lot of older things, antiques, as they never threw anything away.

The Hortons were making their move from the farm in which they had lived on for over 60 years into the town of Osceola.  Iva gave the decanter to my mom to give to me saying she thought it would be a special gift for me to have.  I regret that I removed the cloth red ribbon that was tied around its neck.  Iva had said that the decanter was her mother's and it had always had the ribbon on it.  Iva never removed it and it was faded in color.  I really don't understand why I immediately removed it as I was college age and was young, stupid and spontaneous.

I am sure it wasn't extremely expensive as it came from a family, like most farm families, who were not wealthy. Iva was from Illinois before traveling to Iowa and marrying John. It probably was a fancy thing to own at its time but I bet came from a country store.

I know that glass is inexpensive to create from heated sand and the item is a pressed piece with the glass being poured into a mold.  The seams do show.  The size of it is about 7 inches tall. It did have a great fall in its lifetime and I had to glue a piece of glass back to the lip of it.  It still is a great item of history.

The photo of John and Iva Horton is shown in the newspaper clipping.  It was their 60th wedding anniversary and the three sons were having a party for them.   I did an article about them on my Sepia Saturday's blog.  It was a few weeks ago that I posted it and since then have thought of so much more that I could share about their lives.

It is Saturday and we are not planning much for the day.  We need to hit the sales at the grocery store that are intended for the super bow.  I hope we are not required to watch the bowl to buy them as we won't be viewing the game.  The sales of select items for the party goers are too good to pass up, so we will venture over to Perry to pick up a few things.  It will be madness as everyone shops the sales and it is Saturday.

It is still cold but not as cold today.  We will reach 30 degrees F. today which is a heatwave compared to where we have been.  It will also be a heat wave compared to all the states north of us.  I see our kids in Maine are going to have our 8 degree temperatures today.  It is only right that we share the Arctic air.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I always enjoy reading about the Horton's. This is a special piece and your photos are great. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Very nice post, I love stories that keep people alive in memories as they are shared with others.

    I am going to a new Antique store opening today..going to see what it could take to be a vendor, well maybe!


  3. beautiful piece of glass....I can see it picks up the light quite nicely. We are a bit warmer this afternoon..I think it is 2 above!!!! :)
