Sunday, February 3, 2013

Winter Outside........

I ventured out Saturday afternoon to help the neighbor fill up here bird feeders.  It was cold but a warm cold compared to the earlier temperatures of the week.  It was gently snowing and when I returned home I thought I would get a few shots taken.

The concret swan seems to be floating in snow as the bird bath has collected a neat pile of snow.  The   dead leaves of a transplanted rose bush leans against the fence.  I hope the leaves are all that is dead and that the rose does live through the weather.  It is William Baffin and I think it is tough enough to  survive in its new location.

There will be no roasting of marshmallows even though it probably would burn.  My wood  pile is building up scraps as the storms keep dropping limbs into my yard.  I have a new batch to add to the burn pile but it seemed too cold to do that today.

Our evening plans will be watching Stargate on TV and maybe sneak in another viewing of the newest Sherlock Holmes movie.  We won't be a part of the 111 million people who will be watching the game. I figured it out that 289 million people will  not be watching the game.  Have a good Sunday whatever you choose to do today.


  1. Great shots of winter. It looks bitterly cold to this girl, sitting here with barefeet. It's a bit chilly here in the house, but not uncomfortable. The heater is still up in the attic as it's not been cold enough to get it down.

    No watching the game here either. I plan to putter in my main garden, getting some potted things planted. Maybe I'll plant some seeds too.

    May you and your wife have a lovely day indoors together.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  2. Pretty snow photos. I know the birds appreciate the feed that you guys put out for them. Last Wed.s wind left us a lot of limbs down from the beech tree. We have had more rain also.
    John will probably watch the game but I usually watch home and garden tv.
    Enjoy the day.

  3. Youe bird house look lonely in the snow. Your William Baffin should be just fine..he may have some die back..but since he has his own roots (Not grafted) he should be fine. Cut back the dead stuff!
    Not watching the game here either..:)
