Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday's a school that is.......


The garden is really drab.  I almost looked for an archived photo of this same spot taken during the summer but I thought it would be a sad thing to see.  We were told that we are still 5 inches short on moisture but it promises to snow again on Monday.  We may get ahead of our moisture average if it keeps it up.

Last winter I took this gazing ball and stand into the basement.  I kind of missed it out there during the past winter so I didn't put it away this fall.  I enjoy watching the snow pile up on it and one can see how much snow is on the ground as the base is covered.

I further extended my capabilities with google and picasa yesterday.  I can now share photos with my son and wife at the picasa site and we can get the latest new photos of the new grandson.  AJ seems unimpressed with any of this as he sleeps bundled in his blanket.

I again am not impressed with it as it made my adding photos to picasa more difficult.  It should be more user friendly than it is.  One is allowed to open up you  photos to share with others by bringing them into a circle and that is good.  I just don't like all the bells and whistles that show up because, just like facebook, they want you to connect to all these strangers and put them in your circle.  My son's friends are his friends and I really don''t want to know who they are nor do I want to connect with them.

I also am having problems with my old computer placing my own photos into picasa as it takes more power to add them in now that it is a new format. Everything is slower now.  I bet you can't believe I created a new file just for my new grandson!!!!

The proud father is feeding his son.  He is going to make a great dad.   Only 18 more years and he will have the worse part done in raising the little guy.

I am in the high school math room today teaching tough stuff.  I am glad they are worksheets and they are review because my first trigonometry class was taken by me in 1967 and then I had to retake it in college in 1968 as I had not mastered it.  Artists can be great mathematicians but artists don't want to mathematicians.

 We are going to do our taxes today and were at the dermatology doctor yesterday for me.   I am ok but my skin seems to be driving crazy.  I will be ok and one precancerous spot was removed off of my nose.  Medicines and ointments are promised to make me into a new old man.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I don't do anything in Picassa..I guess I have an account there but I never go there. It will be great for you to see pics of your grandson everyday!
    So you are n new old man now..just like that you are feeling old..GRAMPS! :)

  2. Snow and all the changes in your life. You'll get the photo thing figured out. My blog photos upload to picasa very quickly. I don't use the circle thing to share photos. I just make folders and set permissions on who can see them. Good luck! Take care.
