Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday's Findings........

The Austrian  pines are loaded down more than usual this time.  I noticed my Japanse yews are almost flat to the ground from the heavy snow on Wednesday.

The one yew shrub shown here isn't as low as it is right now.  I was out doing the garbage detail and looked over to see it very flattened down to the ground.

A giant change in theme today is the sharing of this little whistle.  I ran across him while digging through my toy cupboard.  At one time I had a display at school next to my art room of art from around the world.  I had a lot of old things to put in the window made from many different countries.

This little guy I picked up at a shop that sells international items.  I am sure he was made in China out of redware clay but he did represent a South American style.  I had him in the display with plates from different countries and wood carvings from Africa and Madagascar. Painted glass vases from Italy and other bowls and cups from  around the world.

 I also displayed a woven hanging depicting Jesus and some sheep.  It was created in the 1920's before China turned into the Mao era.  Aunt Maime was a missionary in Madagascar back then and did some traveling to China.

This little guy has two different holes that let you change the sounds of the working whistle as you blow into it.

Whatever place in the world he was made, he still has a great folk art, South American design.

I did count fingers and they are the right number.  I like his face and the two feathers painted on his hat. I really can't tell what is at his mouth.  Maybe it is a windblown instrument.

I am gainfully employed today in the High School social studies room.  We are going to work in Sociology, Early World, U.S. History and the Modern World.  It is seven classes in all with the three of the classes being taught twice in the day.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope everyone is doing well and the weather, whatever it is, isn't getting you down.

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