Monday, March 4, 2013

Looking For Other White Stuff......

As I looked through my files to find things that I haven't posted, I found posting more snow pictures difficult to do.  So I searched through just one of my archived picasa files and found some different kinds of white to share today.

A mild coating of ice was on things today but no new snow in our area.  It is about two counties away from us north of here and it isn't too heavy of a storm amount wise so far.  

I am back in the high school History room today and this should be my last one in here for a while.  The teacher is to fly back in this evening and if that doesn't happen, I will have to return.  I am scheduled to me a middle school math teacher tomorrow.

It seems like it was a short weekend but there will be another one coming in five days.  Take care and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I can see that you must be fed up with snow. March is too late for winter! What a great idea to find other white stuff to display.

  2. Such pretty whites and Button is cute as can be.
    We had snow flurries this weekend! It is 64 today.

  3. Button is so cute! Great white shots:)
