Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tom Tom.......

An archived photo of our porch cat.  He is there at the door for breakfast every morning and ready for an afternoon snack when someone notices that he is out there.  I looked at a book about cats at the bookstore yesterday.  It said that cats that are raised in the house talk to you and cats that are in the wild don't really talk with you.  I know this guy was raised in the neighbor's house as a kitten and yes he just talks to us.  I also know that they keep him inside when the weather is really bad, but in most days  he just lives outside on our porch or their porch.

Tom Tom had some soft food from the can the other day and he didn't leave the porch for two days.  He really liked that kind of food. I am sure he has never had anything but dry food most of his life.

Trying to take it easy today on Sunday.  We have another snowstorm coming our way starting tonight late.  I hope the storming part is mild and we just get the snow and we can move on with a normal day.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I think we will be sharing snow with you..we are supposed to get dumped on again too. Tom Tom knows where to find the food:)
