Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesdays Things......

We were surprised to see that we had received an inch or more of snow during the night.  The sun is shining brightly and the shadows are so deep blue in the white snow

We were surprised also to see five or more cedar waxwings outside our door.  They were sitting in the juniper bush eating bluish berries.  On my Photo a Day I have two great photos that I was able to capture of them.  I also captured a photo of the first robin that I saw.  My neighbor lady says she saw one two days ago.  I just wasn't keeping a good eye out for them I guess.

I like catching these shots that turn out to tell a story.  The sparrow is watching all the other birds and two feeders waiting for an opening in which to fly to get more seed.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Oh I like these pictures, Larry. And I love the photograph of your grandchild.

  2. A Robin..wonderful send him this way! :)

  3. A snow surprise. We may get snow this weekend. I keep cleaning up the garden though. A little snow won't last long now.
    Great photo of the sparrow watching the birds.

  4. Pretty pics. Karen had a surprise snow last week also. We only had a few flurries this winter.
