Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Our first robin is looking up at the berries on the spreading juniper bush. He was the one that was joined by cedar waxwings yesterday. Most of the snow left yesterday but we are at close to 0 degrees this morning. Our American Robin is really a thrush and someone was in a hurry a couple of hundred years ago to call it a robin because it's orange breast is the same color of the robin in Europe. Whatever person who confused them does seem to cause confusion among the alliances of the world.  I looked it up one more time to be sure I knew exactly what I was talking about.  I feel somewhat betrayed by all my teachers that made us color this bird every year on paper with crayons and they didn't give us the true facts about the bird,  just like the tooth fairy story.  The teachers of old also called it robin red breast which confuses children ans it is very much orange in color.

Outside it is very cold but spring is suppose to be here.  The only things that react to the longer days of light are my violets.  This  violet has shot up new buds in the last two days.

This is spring break week at school so I am getting a lot of odd jobs taken care of during the time off. I had another doctor's appointment and that was a good visit with no problems.  I have tomato seeds that have sprouted up some leaves already.  I do have a Christmas wreath to take down along with my deer decorations.  It will have to warm up more before I go out to do that.  The weather seems to be sporadically affecting everyone in different ways this year.  We were actually 81 degrees last year at this time.  It as been a long winter and I do hope things straighten out in Iowa.  More rain would be nice but no more cold weather is necessary.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Lovely violet. I know you are enjoying some free time this week. We have had a very rainy last few months. We are just beginning to see new growth on our mock oranges.

  2. A Robin whatever her real name..spring has sprung in Iowa:)

  3. Your photo of the Robin is beautiful. I long to see one with my own eyes. I completely agree we do not need additional cold weather!
