Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Growth Spurts.......

Our rain is going to last for a whole day.  It rained throughout the night and it will be raining most of the day.  We really need it.  The variegated iris might bloom this year as the soil will be full of moisture.  The tips of the leaves show a frost or freeze that we had a few weeks ago.  The flower for this is a light lavender flower and the foliage actually outshines in color the bloom.

They hyacinths are late this year but they should put out a good size bloom each of them.

This was a successful move of iris.  I moved them in the middle of the summer and that was the wrong time.  I think they will do well here as they had been in the shade of a tree.  I don't know the color of them but I sure will share when they bud and bloom.

The sound of thunder and rain falling is so wonderful.  I am in the study hall room again today and it is raining hard,  off and on.  It gives the water a chance to move on before the next large amount of rain drops.  It is dark today and probably will be all day.   The national weather put a graphic on top of our state this morning but didn't point out that we were in a severe weather area. The line actually didn't go through Iowa.  Fortunately the local weather people are more concerned and accurate about that thing.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. At least you are seeing green! Those variegated Iris are eye catching..I bet light purple blooms. Rain..I could uses some rain it snowed again today:(

  2. We got a lot of rain since last October and my Hyacinthes are very beautiful this year (see my post of yesterday). I hope to have also more iris.

  3. Yeah! for the rain. You have so many nice bulbs.
