Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The street gang..........

This is another view of one of our neighbor cats having something to eat.  We are up to five different cats coming over for food.  We know when they are not being fed as more come at the same time than just Tom Tom, who has taken up residence on the porch.  

Tom Tom takes a nap after his fill of cat food. Sitting on the car makes his abilities to stand guard easier.

Another one of our visitors is this petite yellow cat.  She is over a year old now and is bashful.  She is less bashful when food is brought out to her.

I can't find the adult photo of this cat but he hangs around a lot for food also.  In fact he has an offspring that looks just like him, only smaller in stature, that also hangs around once in a while.

From the north we have a beat up yellow tomcat and a soft long haired gray and white tomcat.  They don't venture down much unless their food supply is really low.

I am a study hall keeper today.  I took my wife out for her birthday last night and we had cake and ice cream when we got home.  I hope she had a good day.  The place where we ate Macaroni's is always good with their service, good food, high prices and fresh bread with olive oil, great salad.  When the food is great you ignore the prices.  They also have good coffee which is not always the case with most restaurants.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have become a home for the hungry..maybe they will eat some of your snakes this spring. Study Hall..I used to really like Study Hall:)

  2. Awwww....love these photos, Larry.

  3. Belated wishes to Della!
    Oh, I love these cat pics. They are all cute.
