Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Shots........

I saw a wild violet blooming in my neighbor's yard that was violet.  All that I could find in my yard was the viola colored ones with the blue and white mix.  I have a lot of violets but my purple ones must be later in blooming.  I will have to keep an eye out for them.

When I use to order bulbs from a cheap company they would include a few small bulbs in there as if you were getting a great bonus.  Most of them didn't survive but this one has survived.  It  seemed to squeeze through the leaves on the ground. It reminds me of a windflower but I really do not know what it is.  They probably bloom under my leaf cover before I remove the leaves each year as our frost date is May 15th.

My birch tree continues to stay healthy and away from the beetle desease.  I don't think there is another birch tree in town other than the clump birches.   The limbs on the birch are always a mystery as they grow out and then spiral down.  I have to keep them trimmed back a little as I can get hit in the face from them while mowing.  My river birch is really bad about sagging down into my mowing level lashing out with its limbs to give me cuts and bruises.

It will be a warm day today.  October 12 last year it hit 80 degrees and they are saying we will hit it Tuesday or Wednesday.  That should make the northern part of United States melt a lot more.  I was glad to get some of my yard work done yesterday.  I don't like to rush out and mow right away until I am cutting all of the grass at the same time. I figure I will be doing it often enough without cutting just the high spots.  I would like to fertilize my yard this year but I will wait to see who has the best price on it later this month.  I like how the grass does grow thick enough to take out creeping Charlie.

We had smoked hamburgers at the neighbor's house yesterday so we have had our first cooked out hamburgers for the season.  She fixed a chicken the week before but hamburger is the official warm weather food.  I have tulips that will bloom by the end of the week but they are later this year than usual.  I will have to dig or till an area for my tomatoes but they won't go out until middle May.  I hope my plants appreciate the larger containers and the fertilizer that I am feeding them.

Have a good Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Spring flowers! Your birch is lovely against the blue was warm here too yesterday 72 degrees can you believe it? :)

  2. Hello Larry, I've seen that little white flower before but can't recall the name. Pretty photo of the birch tree, too.
    We got moved on Wed. and have had rain since then. Apr. 17 is usually our last date for frost here.
    Hope you both have a great afternoon. Hamburgers on the grill sound very tasty to me.
