Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday's Return........

One of the reasons that the pollen count is high today is because of three different trees in the state.  The birch was sighted as one of them and as you can see this seed pods against the sky background are out and shedding.

I shared a different view of this tree yesterday but this is one when the sun was under the cloud. The bark doesn't glow as much as when the sun shines on it this time of the year. The leaves will eventually shade most of the bark.

We missed a rain storm this morning as it went north of us but we are promised more chances of rain all week.  We are suppose to hit 80 F. in the city some time this week.

The Bishop's Weed is up and growing out along the base of the birch tree.  I have peony bushes under there too and they do bloom while the forsythia also there puts out a pitiful few blooms each year.   I am going to remove one other forsythia elsewhere and start up my redtwig dogwood.  It will be a better plant for that area once I get the old one cut out of there.  The old forsythia has been there about 30 years.

I guess I will share at least one daffodil a day.  I have so many shots that didn't take but I did get some successful shots.  The white doesn't pick up well with the automatic setting on the camera.  I have to take about five shots to get one in focus, even with the macro.  White must not put out the right heat level for the sensor to pick it up.

I am a business teacher today.  I get to take a break from the middle school wing today.  I will be back there soon.  I was looking at the calendar and there are only 24 or more school days left in this year.  I think I am ready for it.  I am glad to be working but the year was a strange difficult one for some reason and I will be glad to be out of the classroom for a break.  Yes, those of you who know me, I will be going back onto the custodial summer work crew after a couple of days off.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You are a hard worker Larry. I hope the part of the building you are working in this summer has AC! I hope you get to take a little time know like to see the baby etc..:) Your Daffodil is perfect! It rained here last night.. the first rain of the spring! :)
