Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday's Things......

We are a half a block away from a farm field so we always have a yard rabbit.  I lost last years rabbit to a mishap with a car but one just seems to show up to take its place.  This rabbit thinks he is a lawn ornament as his standing still protection mode seemed to last forever.  I clicked a couple of shots and he didn't even flinch.  I assume we will have corn in our field again this year so the rabbits will have to travel over to the far fence row to have their baby rabbits.

I had an old garden thing going on in the orchard a few years back and these grape hyacinths were planted in a circle out in the grass.  I would like to move some of them later this week and get some established closer to the house.  I sometimes miss seeing these as they come and go so quickly.

This forsythia is going to be removed from its location.  It has never bloomed well. I am sure it has been in the spot over 30 years.  It will be replaced with a redtwig dogwood.  I have another forsythia elsewhere and I will probably leave it as a foliage shrub because it doesn't bloom either.  A block away on main street there are two of them that bloom with great gusto.  I don't have the touch to make it work on my property.

I am watching and waiting for the fernleafed peony to bloom.  I hope we get through our rainy season before it opens as the rains are hard on the blooms.

I discovered this peony out under the redtwig shrub.  It was buried under leaves and looks pretty sad.  I will move it after it blooms as the shrub is crowding it out and will eventually kill it.

I am hoping for blooms from these iris this year.  They have been in the ground two years and nothing happened but they look like viable plants this year.  I bet I will see blooms.  A school coworker brought bags of them to school when she cleared a garden area and I just threw them into a circle with the thought of moving them eventually.

I am back in the middle school today.  We had threatening thunder and lighting most of the night last night but it seemed to stay north and south of us.  I see we had a sprinkle judging the dust and rain spots on the car this morning.  We do need the rain as things seem dry still after all the  other rain that we did have.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I haven't seen any rabbits here yet EVEN THO we live in Rabbittown!
    You have such a wide variety of plants and I enjoy your photos very much. Hope the peony blooms won't be affected by the weather.

  2. Lots of plants moving and shaking at your place. We always have a yard bunny or two. Sometimes we get a nest of babies.

  3. Great photo of the bunny! I am certain those Iris will bloom! I have the same no luck with Forsythia and the ones in town are beautiful:(
