Friday, May 31, 2013

All on the ground..........

This is another variety of iris that I call a cemetery iris.  They are small and they are scattered throughout older cemeteries in central United States.  On the ground in the background you can see I had work to do to pick them up and brace the fallen stems.   The stems are so full of water and the rains made the flower heads heavy.  In the one area I had seven stems of flowers on the ground.  I have them braced up but they are not very pretty looking in form.

This bloom is a wonderful one but it was so damaged that I will have to take another shot when a good bloom is on the stem.

I shared this bloom, different shot, on my Photo a Day blog.  It is a wonderful bloom.  I read on the internet that this variety is the parent plant to all the hybrids that we see today.  They do have a hybrid one of this particular color, like a larger clone of the small original.

It is not an iris.  My pear cactus is getting use to being outside again this year.  I had a lot of growth on it last summer and I am anxious to see how it does this summer.

I still don't have my cushions and umbrella out yet but it is getting close to having that happen.  It is Friday and the last day of school!!!!!!!!!Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
I did get my summer job back.  For some reason it was a secret that I was to get my job back.  They hired only two workers for help this year and me and one other person was chosen to do the summer cleaning and repair.

We are headed to Minneapolis on Saturday to help my wife's friend move to Des Moines.  She doesn't have many possessions so we will load the car full and head to the older part of Des Moines.  I was glad to see that it will only be about 4 hours or less to get there.  It will take a majority of the day but yet we can be home after her delivery way before sundown.

Time to close this up for the day. Thanks for stopping in today. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you have a summer job! Travel safely..hope the move goes well for Della's friend:)
