Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Time Blooming.......

The iris that I purchase two seasons ago has finally bloomed.  I like the leaf color on this iris with the bright yellow and green stripes  I do like seeing the flower now too.  It is a small bloom and the buds seem to be really packed into a close area.  The blooms seem a little bit more fragile than the regular iris but I still like it.  Maybe they just don't weather as well as the other iris plants do.

The mugo pine is reacting to all the rain.  It has put out many new sprouts for the season. My other evergreens seem be really growing well as they too like water for their roots.

This is certainly a better shot of the old variety iris.  I have a couple of other older varieties that did  not put out buds this year.

Some people maybe noticed that I missed a day yesterday. My wife and I were on the road yesterday, I-35, headed to Minneapolis.  My wife's long time friend decided to leave the big city and live in a more quiet and serene apartment in Des Moines.  She has always been a minimalist in what she owned, so we were able to put all her possessions in our car and bring her to her new place.

The apartment she was living in was becoming a dangerous place to live and seemed to become more like a third world society rather than what one would think America should be like.  She is older than us and has no family so it was good for her to come back to our area for us to lean on a little.  The trip took under four hours to go up and we loaded her up in less the twenty minutes and headed south.

It was a long day but we did enjoy getting out and about for a change.  My work has kept us a little tied down.  I finished school on Friday and will report back to school on Monday to help get the building ready for the next school season.  Six in the morning I start work and I will be off at two in the afternoon.   It worked fine last year once I got adjusted to the new sleeping times.

More rain yesterday as we traveled to and fro.  Farmers have some crops to get in yet and they are becoming concerned about not getting any dry spells to help them out.  I received word that a first cousin of mine and her husband were spared damage from the tornado in the St. Louis area.  Houses just down the street were either destroyed or damaged badly.  They were very fortunate not to be hit.  I guess the news was so busy covering the sadness in Oklahoma that they did not cover the St. Louis storms that happened a couple of days ago. I didn't know it had happened until she sent out word to all the cousins.

While traveling through northern Iowa and into Southern Minnesota I was surprised to see that the lilacs are so much later in their blooming cycle up there.  There were large healthy bushes blooming along the highway.  Our blooms have been gone two to three weeks ago.  I noticed my viburnum bush never finished its blooming cycle and the rain just washed the flowers away.

It is cold this morning, 52 degrees F. It isn't going to warm up much as the cool dry air from the north is going to keep us from reaching 70 degrees today. I need to mow but I don't want to wear a coat while doing so.  Maybe tomorrow afternoon I can hit the greens.

Thanks for stopping by today and have a great Sunday.


  1. It was so nice of you and your wife to help her friend move closer and to a safer place. Yeah on being a minimalist, something we aspire to but haven't quite achieved. The iris is a beautiful bloom, sadly it is so short-lived and ours are all come and gone. But, the day lilies will be blooming soon.

  2. That was very kind of you and your wife to help your friend move. Larry, your photos are just gorgeous!

  3. Good to hear the move went well. She must have been a minimalist..I am not sure what I would take with me that would fit in one car. I hope she likes Des Moines.
    Yes Minnesota Lilacs are just blooming here now.
    I hope you adjust to the new work schedule:)

  4. So kind of you and Della to help her friend move. I am happy it went well and that you enjoyed the change in pace. The lilacs are so pretty.
