Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Apples.........and more.

The one tree did get pollinated as I now have some apples.  The dry season made the apples on this tree disease and insect tree.  I will wait to see how a normal season will work out for the crop. Last year's harvest was wonderful.

Rhubarb cobbler with red raspberries from last season will be on our menu soon.  It is nice to have the rhubarb being so robust.  I have three different plantings of this and the neighbor across the street has a large row of it.

Speaking of rows of things the flowers on the strawberry viburnum do keep themselves in order up and down the stems of the shrub.

The hardy geranium has come to life from being brought out into the light of the outdoors. The rains have washed the leaves and I may just fertilize these plants rather than repotting it with fresh soil.

The green and yellow leafed iris now has buds that are ready to bloom.  I thought they would be pale blue or lavender.  One can never tell the exact color by looking at the buds.

It is Wednesday and we have had not participation as of yet today.  The late afternoon promises more to come and strong storms are also predicted on Thursday.  I snuck out on Monday afternoon and finished up most of my mowing.  It was not all completed so now it is.  I will probably have to mow again soon as it is all growing so quickly.  Two more days of school left after today.  It is getting to be a long school year.  We had snow days tacked to the end to make up now.  I hope everyone has a good day and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Nice photos of the variety of plants in your yard, Larry. John was telling me recently of his grandma in MI growing rhubarb. Your cobbler sounds like it will be delicious!

  2. Another lovely Iris photo, Larry! Those buds are bursting with promise ... but I hope you don't get too much wind and rain. It is cold and grey here, but the Bank Holiday weekend (amazingly!) was glorious.

  3. Hi Larry, your photos are beautiful.
