Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Storm debris......

It isn't like limbs on the ground, even though I did have dead limbs and live limbs in the yard, but it is the debris that you get with high winds and hail.  Evidence that the seeds were being forced from the limbs and parts of the neighbors locust tree are all over my property. A neighbor lady lost a windshield on an old car as loose shingle hit her car.

Two out of three of the stargazer lilies did come up this year.  I planted them very early spring and didn't expect much,  but here they are. I hope there are many buds and blooms. It is one of my favorite lilies.

I lost a couple of tomato plants but the rest seem to be rooting in and are looking strong. I have a few more tomatoes in pots  to fill in the spots.

It has made it to the outside now and has new buds on it already.  They set on inside when the spring light started shining in the window.  The hardy geranium should so well with real rainfall to replenish its soil.  It will eventually be hot enough that I can put the umbrella out for it to get some shade in the afternoon.

A lot of things going on today and school.  I can tell that I will be tired after school.  Three days left and sometimes they can be the most difficult.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I see that there are storms in Southern Iowa tonight. I don't like windy storms..I had a group tour the Museum today with one more day of school, they are ready to move on into summer:)
