Monday, May 6, 2013

Dancing Fronds......

The drought took out a lot of my ferns this year but those that are up are like stretching dancers getting ready to  perform.

The new starts from the edge of the old base of this rose are really leafing out.  William Baffin has not bloomed well for a number of  years.  Too little water and too much water seems to be the never ending battle.  I have moved a part of this to a different location hoping that it will do better in that location.

The tulips have straightened themselves and are continuing to bloom.  They close up when they are cold which helps them get through bad weather.

The survivors are looking pretty good.  I think the next couple of days will help them finish opening up all of their little trumpet flowers.

Thanks for stopping by today.  It is late in the afternoon and I am too busy to blog.  But I did squeeze this in while my students were taking their math tests.


  1. Good to see that not much was harmed by the snow. The Bluebells are beautiful..I believe they are called Mertensia virginica..a lovely flower and plant that totally disappears come summer..but remember to still water that area! :)

  2. Nice to see you're still getting some tulips. I hope your ferns hang in there.
