Sunday, May 5, 2013


I will venture out this afternoon to see what has survived the past three days of snow and rain.  A lot of daffodils are now just gone.  Some tulips had not opened and I will see blooms from them.  I don't know how the New England bluebells will look.

We are going to reach 64 degrees F.  today but they then said it is predicted to hover at 70 every day this week.  I can not believe it.  I will be mowing grass for sure and maybe the peonies will regroup and now bloom.  The fernleaf peonies were really drooping down to the ground but they seem to be starting to straighten back up now.  I hope the freezing didn't hit the buds.

The rhubarb was looking good before the snow but the moisture we received should make the plants do very well this summer.  We had heavy rains off and on all day Saturday and I believe we have plenty of sub moisture in the ground.

Looking to the back of the bloom creates a nice design.  I just now noticed that the sun was shining when I took this picture.  I will be glad to see sunshine again.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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