Friday, May 24, 2013


I see by the traffic reporter on television that it is noticed that a lot of people took off on Friday.  I was thinking I would do a shorter blog today as I could take it off, but I don't take blog holidays off unless I am stressed, sad, angry, bad or sick.  I guess I don't have a dominate one of these and I am just tired today.  I will find a couple of more pictures and slide out of here.

I have a circle of iris that were planted three years ago as small rhizomes.  Last year with no water they didn't bloom even though they should have.  This year it looks like they all will bloom. I haven't any idea what their color will be.  One has a very tall set of stems so they will be hybrids and the rest are the medium sizes iris.  It will fun to see what color that they are.

As I shared on my Photo a Day blog, this iris is now out.  It grows close to a tree and I need to move it out from under partial shade.  I really like this one,  but I actually like all iris.  This one bloomed earlier than my cemetery iris.   All the peonies and iris are too late for Memorial Day this year.

A three day weekend is ahead of us and I hope all have a great break.  Thanks for stopping by today.