Thursday, May 23, 2013

On the prairie........

The yew shrub has faced a hard winter with heavy loads of ice and snow.  Twice it was flattened to the ground.  Now it has rebounded to a tall large shrub with all the new growth.

The old fashioned iris is all in bloom now.  I have removed some of the spent blooms to keep it looking good.  I have a variegated blue and white one in bloom and I will try to get shots of it this afternoon.

Another shot of the honeysuckle hedge in the back yard.  It looks better everyday as the blooms keep opening.  The cool wet weather may keep them around longer.

It has been cold and wet for two days now.  I may get out with a camera after work today. I have six tomato plants in the ground and will need to plant more as I have plenty to put out.  I am going to try two different spots to grow them this year to see which is the better site. Everyone has to mow and I do want it to be a little warmer when I do it.  The grass is growing great.  I have a wood pile to be burned by the end of the month.  I need to stay with that and not miss the ending date.

It is a Thursday and it has been a long week.  The Friday activities at school include community service with the kids going to different places to clean, weed, and level gravel at playgrounds.  I have not been asked to be involved with this so far.  The kids are out at 1:30 to go do these good deeds.  I hope you have a great day today.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. The baby is so sweet. I am 76, broke my left hip in 2003. Lucky I was on the job I got good treatment. When I asked the doctor when I could work in my garden, he said "Never". You should never say never. It took me 3 years to get down and get my hands in the dirt. With the Lords help I made it back to my garden. Visit me. By the way I love Iowa.
