Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day......

A new bloom in my garden opened up on Saturday morning.  It was given to me in a bag of 20 random small rhizomes and three years later I have a bloom.  Most of them will bloom this year and it will be fun to see what colors that they are.  I don't have this one already so it is good to see it to know.

The spirea is late this year but it is doing well.  The snow packed bushes seem to have survived its winter abuse.  Some of my spirea in another area were severely damaged and I will need to trim back the whole shrub and start over with it.

We have had rain for two straight days and heavy winds each time as the different fronts pass through.  The predictions are said to be that we will have dry weather next Saturday or Sunday.  The iris did not like the small particles of hail that we had last night so the remaining buds will be the rest of the flowers.

Memorial day is always a day of reflection and of good and bad memories. The different stories and true depictions of all of the wars seem to be more real each year in my life.  PBS decided to cover the Korean War ( conflict) this year and it is interesting to see what hasn't been shared about that time.  I was born around the time and the history books of my lifetime didn't include the Korean War. Books were not replaced as readily as they do in schools today.

It is gloomy weather outside but the rains have stopped.  I hope everyone has a restful day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I agree good and bad or sad feelings today. I would like to see that program on the Korean War my Dad was there. One more week of school for you..have a great week:)

  2. That's a lovely spirea.
    This has been a day of remembering to be grateful for the price so many have paid for our freedom.
