Friday, May 3, 2013

Still snowing........

The continuous snow has made its mark on the flowers.  I don't have very many but they are now all laying flat on the ground.  We almost hit the freezing mark but I think it stays warmer in town.  The fernleaf peonies all droop to the ground and the regulare peonies are all drooping under the cold and snow.

As I watched to snow outside my classroom window yesterday I could see the snow accumulating.  Under the snow in the car tracks one could see the water running down the street as if it were also raining.  Half of all the snow would melt while the other half stay on the ground.  It was a strange sight to see.  Weather guys really can't measure it and admit that it isn't accurate.  The finally measured the liquid of it and tried to translate it back into snow inches.

Today we have a light snow again and the temperatures are holding at 32 degrees F.  It will warm up soon.  The different outside events planned for tomorrow are awaiting to see how this afternoon turns out to be.  A state middle school boys track meet is schedule tomorrow here at out school track but 47 degrees F. is predicted to be the high for tomorrow.  Pella, Iowa has their tulip time celebration through the weekend.  They have blooming tulips but they also have a lot of snow now.

My daffodil for the day shot is a memory of something that was a few days ago.  Winds and rains has stopped them in their tracks. This daffodil was not doing very well anyway as it was on the corner of my property and the wind was hard on them this year.

The iris and shrubs around the house are really enjoying all the moisture that we are receiving.  It was reported last night that this weather may make eastern Iowa's drought threat vanish.  We are looking a lot better in central Iowa also.

I refuse to take any more snow pictures for the next few day unless I see something really unusual.  I hope that the sun will come out tomorrow and all will be well.  I am glad it is Friday.  Kids are a lot crazy and it is time for a weekend to be here.  Resting and relaxing is on my schedule.  I can see a trip to the bookstore and other discount stores also.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You must be very sad to see what the snow/cold are doing to your plants. I do hope the sun will warm things up and that you two have an enjoyable weekend. A trip to the bookstore or an antique store sounds nice.

  2. Hope all your snow helps the plants and spring gets here soon.
