Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wild violets.......

I saw a yellow wild violet on another Iowan's blog this morning.  I have never seen a yellow one before.  It was from the western river valley area south of council bluffs.  The bluffs are loess hills and they do have a whole variety of wildflowers there that do not grow in central Iowa. I think that the agricultural activities did hindered the continuing of some varieties of wildflowers.

There are a few blooms still on the branches after our two days of snow. Trees with leaves and flowers sag as they collect the snow on them.

Another view of our yard bunny.  He is growing up on all that green grass and maybe new plant leaves.  I noticed he had kept a tulip from leafing out on the west side of the house.  He had nibbled it down to the grown.

Cold and wet today but we will warm up to 50's later today. It is a gloomy day but the snow will be gone maybe by Monday.  Those who received 11 inches of snow, north of us will have snow around a whole lot longer than us.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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