Tuesday, June 18, 2013


A bud is about ready to open and on Sunday three or more of them did open. The yellow ones sit close to the pink one and they look great together.

The bud did come out on Sunday but it seemed to be weathered already even though it is a newly opened bloom.

Pond action is always great with the little sprinkler always spraying out of the pump.  I really like the colors in he water and the fish are there, just not on the surface.

Another great shot of my peonies from out at the alley lane.  I am glad they are doing so well.  The good rains and lack of competition from other plants has really made it grow strong and bloom so well.

My wife and I ate out on Sunday at the Romano's Italian place.  It is always so good and usually the amount of food is so great that you have to bring home the extras.  I really enjoy their fresh bread with olive oil and seasonings on the crust of the bread.

I received word today that my second from oldest brother has had a stroke.  He is in the hospital and did call my oldest brother a few times to give out some info.  He will be in the hospital for quite some time as they evaluate his status.  Time is the healer on these things and I hope that there is not any lasting damage.  I will call him tomorrow and I know he will answer no matter what.  He is a  phone addict and I am sure it is near him at all time while he is in the hospital. Rex is about 8 years older than me and lives in Yorba Linda, California.

Busy at school being a floor man.  We will never run out of floors to do but that is ok.  We did a sanding yesterday of the stage floor and we will be putting two coats of varnish on it today or tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by today and take care.


  1. I hope your brother will be okay. Sending good thoughts your way.
    You are going to be a floor expert. :)

  2. Of course, I am reading the posts I missed backwards, but I am sorry I did not know about your brother. I know you have been concerned.
    Your peony bloom is so nice. One of mama's favorites.
