Wednesday, June 19, 2013 the middle.

This is probably larger than life in size.  I  have this rose that survives out in the open every year.  It puts out this great color and then fades to a different color.  I use to think it was called Carnival or Carousel but I don't remember it for sure.  The leaves are different in color than most roses.

My week seems to be a long hard one already but it is now Wednesday.  My second to oldest brother is back home now from the hospital.  He  had been there for two days.  He was sent home to take better care of his body.  He hasn't been fully diagnosed to know what is wrong with him.

Thanks for stopping by today.  The heat has hit Iowa and each day we get a little warmer.


  1. Such a beautiful color, and very healthy looking !
    I noticed your updates are not showing on my sidebar, the last post was March 2013...curious.
    Be well my friend, it's getter hotter and more humid by the day here also :)

  2. Beautiful shot! The veining on the leaves are different in that they are prominent, looks purple in the picture. Very pretty...

  3. A stunning photo.
